Well winter is here and we were warned. Back in October the TV weather teams told us that this winter would be the worst for many years. Some quoted the worst for 10 years and some did the usual and quoted the worst ever.
Already we have seen the gridlock in the UK and many motorists stranded overnight as they were caught out by snowstorms. The next day the TV weather teams are on the news saying we told you so, and for once I am on their side. So the message for this winter when driving is this, make sure you check the weather reports regularly, at least each night before you go to bed. If it states snow then be prepared the next morning to leave earlier or have plans to cancel.
Is your car prepared? Do you have plenty petrol in your car, more than you need in case you are stuck in traffic or snow? Do you have a basic tool kit in the car? Do you have plenty of antifreeze and is your mobile phone fully charged? Are your headlights clean and plenty of water with antifreeze in your washer bottle? If you travel by yourself or know nothing about cars have you got suitable breakdown cover? You can get cover for as little as £29 still that will get you home in a case of breakdown or accident.
This may all seem pretty basic but you would be surprised of how many think they will cope as and when it happens. But as we found out recently many were stranded overnight as the snow came in apparently from nowhere. Those with insufficient petrol ended up abandoning their cars without any heating. Others tried to book into already full hotels and bed and breakfasts.
This can be more than just inconvenience, being unprepared in bad weather can be a life or death situation. If YOU can't drive anywhere chances are the rescue services can't either. So this winter, be prepared!
About the Author:
Mark Flanighan is webmaster for Breakdown Cover and Driving Experience
Submitted: 2006-01-22
Article Source: GoArticles
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