Sunday, April 22, 2007

Young Drivers Out On The Road Alone

Driving alone can be very scary for some, especially inexperienced young drivers. Car insurance can compensate us for many road accident eventualities but being attacked when out in the car alone can be a terrifying, life changing ordeal that many do not fully recover from.

If you’ve ever had that feeling that another car is following you through a long, dark country lane or been nervous about venturing across a multi storey car park unaccompanied at night then read on for some advice of how to deal with these unpleasant situations.

A road trip action plan for young drivers

Plan your journey – go online and plan your journey or sit down with a map and road atlas to work out your route. GPS satellite navigation systems are also very useful, although a bit pricey, but you may be lucky enough to already have one installed in your car.

Get breakdown cover - many motor insurance companies will offer this service for a small fee. It provides peace of mind that in the event that you breakdown all alone in the middle of nowhere on a cold, dark blustery night someone will be along very soon to help.

Rest breaks – it is advisable to take breaks from driving when travelling long distances. If travelling alone make sure that you stop at respectable looking service stations and ensure that there are plenty of other people around. If you feel uneasy about entering an unfamiliar public toilet alone then alert a member of staff that you are going into the toilet so that they can send for assistance if you are a long time returning.

Keep in contact - arrange to text your friend or call your mum when you arrive at your destination so that they know you are safe and sound.

Useful things for young drivers to keep in their car

Mobile phone and in car charger

List of emergency phone numbers

Map and atlas to save having to stop and ask for directions

Coins for parking meters and tolls to save having to ask a stranger for change

The car's handbook in case of a breakdown

Bright, heavy duty torch (with spare batteries)

First aid kit in case of injury

Car insurance details in case you need to pass them on following a road accident

Safer parking for young drivers

When parking in a dark or unfamiliar place make sure that you exert extra caution:

Always try to park on the ground floor of a multi-storey car park so you can get to your car quickly

Park as near to the pedestrian exit as possible away from bushes or bins that an attacker could hide behind

Park near a street lamp at night so that you and your car are visible

Always try to reverse park, it is easier to make a quick get away if you feel under threat

Have a friend walk you back to your car if you are wary

Have your keys ready to open up and get in quick when you reach your car

Look through the windows and check for anything suspicious before getting in your car

If approached by a shifty looking stranger then lock yourself in and blast the horn until they retreat

Advice for young drivers that are being followed

Being followed is a terrifying ordeal but adhering to the following advice will be very useful:

Don’t panic as this could affect your driving and cause an accident

Remember that you are inside your car and nobody can touch you

Drive around a roundabout a few times to try and deter them

Drive to a police station or a service station where there are plenty of people

Stay in the car and draw attention to yourself by tooting your horn and flashing your headlights

If you are lost call the police or a friend and look for landmarks so that they can work out where you are

Always avoid pulling over but if another driver needs your assistance then pull over in a well lit, public place. Also, if you do break down, even if sure that you can trust people recommended by your car insurance company, ask the breakdown services for I.D before stepping out of your vehicle.

So for young drivers braving the roads alone it is essential to be extremely safety conscious in the rare event of a nasty incident occurring. For your own peace of mind follow our advice ensuring that you plan your journey thoroughly, keep handy items in your car while travelling, be cautious when parking in an unfamiliar place, and take care when you suspect you are being followed. This advice aims to increase your personal security as well as help you avoid the risk of having a road accident which has many potential costs such as causing serious personal injuries and increasing your young driver car insurance rates.

About the Author:
Katy Lassetter, Hoot Car Insurance Services
Hoot Car Insurance Services are specialists in providing fantastically cheap young driver car insurance. For a free quote in matter seconds just call 0808 144 9954 or go to
This article was posted on February 23, 2006
Article Source: articlecity

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